Donate with Cash App $GSMhelpinghomeless
Zelle send to 704-605-3173
How we are funded
While we are a non-profit organization, we are also a ministry.
We don't qualify for a lot of grants that secular orgs do, who also do great work with that money.
So, we raise funds through donations from churches and individuals like you, and we could not be more grateful.
We ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with us; no amount is too small.
If you can't give financially, we get it! We all have those seasons.
Please just keep us in your prayers. You are in ours.
What items to donate:
Clothing all sizes, men, women, and children
Shirts, pants, skirts, underwear, shoes, coats, and don't forget the socks.
Contact Carolyn Black with questions 704.977.4307.
Personal hygenine bags
Place items into a plastic ziploc bag. We suggest wipes, toothpase, cloth, feminine products, hand lotion, no rinse soap, chapstick, hand sanitizer, and tissues.
Blankets Year Round
Please give inexpensive blankets for the homeless. They often sleep on the ground with no shelter. They often get robbed and come back for another blanket.
Tents and sleeping bags
Blessing Bags
Some ideas of things to include in blessing bags are socks, poncho, toboggan, gloves, hand warmers, reading glasses, favorite encouraging scripture or inspirational thought.
You can also include pop-top can or dry food items such as crackers, peanut butter, apple sauce, fruit cups, pork & beans,
candy, and any good protein.
Keep in mind that the homeless often have very poor dental care and can't bite into hard food items. Also, don't inclue items that will perish quickly.
For the mission
The mission is always in need of paper towels and napkins, toilet paper, cleaning products, garage bags, disposable plates and utensils, and large use hand sanitizer.
How do we spend money donations?
We all want to feel like our money provides the most benefit
for the causes we entrust with our donations.
We feel that all of our contributors should be included in how the mission works.
Building Costs
When you get a look at the building you might think we get free rent, but we don't sadly. We pay rent, repairs, heating and a/c, garbage, and security. If you have a home
of your own, you know that these things are not cheap. The cost of garbage is not residental. We pay for a dumpster every month and yes it does get filled up.
Other Costs
We maintain a van to carry food to the poor, pickup food donations, and for misc. errands. We pay for insurance, fuel, repairs, and regular maintainence.
We pay a very small staff to maintain the website, facebook, and accounting. These services are very necessary to the operations of our ministry.
Prescription Medication Donations
We pay for non narcotice medication with a $12 maximum cost per prescription. If a greater need arises we consider the individually situation.
Food Costs
We provide meals other than when ministers do not provide the homeless on their service nights. When the homeless or anyone in need comes into the mission
and asks for food we give from our panty. We do not give out money for food.
We give out food to the needy on the 4th Monday of every month. We give meat, dairy, eggs, canned items, and dry goods. We give out food that has been donated on a first come
first serve basis.